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2019-2020 年度 LIFEmagazine 終於出版了。今期的主題是「香港生態的背後」,顧名思義就是想記錄和探討一下保存香港生態的人如何貢獻社會。希望大家藉着這個機會好好認識一下這群人,了解他們每天如何默默地工作。在此我們再一次感謝所有受邀訪問、投稿、和撰文的人!如果碰巧欣賞這份 LIFEmagazine,也請你們分享給身邊的人  :)

相信大部分正在閱讀此刊物的人都曾幾何時與生態有過淵源:不論是修讀生態學的學生、教授、抑或是爲純爲興趣而閒時出外考察的「EBS 擁躉」。今年對大家來說並不容易,大家這年的經歷或多或少都刷新了我們對生態保育和環境的理解。大自然真的像我們想像中一般堅韌嗎?經濟活動近乎癱瘓、出現前所未有的即棄用品、疫情對其他生物的未知影響 — 對保育有什麼含義?作爲熱愛大自然的人,希望大家(閱畢LIFEmagazine後)能夠好好反思自己的崗位。保持希望,一起努力!

The 2019-2020 LIFEmagazine is finally out! This year's topic is "Behind Our City's Ecology", documenting and discussing the work of people who help preserve our city's ecology from different ways. Hopefully readers will be able to learn about the significance of their seemingly behind-the-scenes work. Thanks again to all interviewees, and people who gave submissions and wrote for us! If you enjoyed this magazine, please share it to friends and family so more people can reach this :)

I'll go ahead to assume that most of you reading this are in one way or another related to ecology: no matter ecology students, staff or amateur super-EB-fans. This year has surely been a tough one, and has completely changed our perceptions on ecological conservation and the environment. Is the nature as resilient as we think? With regards to conservation work, what is the significance of the near-paralyzed economy, more-than-ever household waste and a virus with unknown impact on other species? As nature-lovers, I wish us all a thoughtful reflection on what role we should play on preserving the nature we have (that is, of course, after reading the LIFEmagazine).

​張曉彤 Leni Cheung

編者的話 Editor's Note


2019-2020 年度內閣

Session 2019-2020


梁馨琳 Samantha Leung

主席 署任學術秘書

Chairman, Acting Academic Secretary

瑤 Christie Lai

外務副主席 署任宣傳秘書

External Vice-Chairman, Acting Publicity Secretary

楊嘉琳 Karen Yeung

內務副主席 署任福利秘書

Internal Vice-Chairman, Acting Welfare Secretary

張曉彤 Leni Cheung

常務秘書 署任出版秘書

General Secretary, Acting Publication Secretary

鍾榮峰 Jess Chung

財務秘書 署任時事秘書

Financial Secretary, Acting Current Affairs Secretary

Editor's note

今期 LIFEmagazine 未能預期出版,僅此致歉。

We sincerely apologise for not being able to issue this LIFEmagazine on time.

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