Cabinet of 2016-2017

譚詩翰 Tam Sze Hon, Nicholas
主席 Chairman
李靈格 Lee Ling Kak
Internal Vice Chairman, Acting Welfare Secretary
鍾雪鏵 Chung Suet Wah, Sheena
外務副主席 External Vice Chairman
謝尚頤 Tse Sheung Yee, Sherry
常務秘書 General Secretary
鍾凱瀅 Chung Hoi Ying, Candice
Financial Secretary, Acting Marketing Secretary
李駿業 Lee Chun Yip, Danny
Academic Secretary, Acting Social Secretary
林詩如 Lam Si Yu, Renee
Current Affairs Secretary, Acting External Secretary
簡瑋彤 Kan Wai Tung, Vivienne
Publicity Secretary, Acting Publication Secretary
Engagers is a combination of the verb 'engage' and '-er', the suffix of a person who does an action. We strive to devote our efforts in nature conservation by organizing various activities to raise the awareness of our members and the public. By 'engage', we also hope to influence the others to take action by themselves as every step makes a difference.
Other than that, we understand the importance of each and every member of our society and value them as well. Thus, catering members with innovative functions of their preference is one of our important focuses. We hope to bring a breath of fresh air to the society and inspire more people in and out of the University of Hong Kong.

探索我們的大嶼:生態探索計劃 Discover Lantau: Ecology Discovery Project
The programme aims to inspire secondary school students to appreciate Lantau’s biodiversity and deepen their understanding about the current threats of Lantau Island through field camp. Students also tried to spread the knowledge to the community they have learned through creative ways.

ELSS X OWLHK 螞蟻考察課程 Ant Programme
Jointly organized with Outdoor Wildlife Learning Hong Kong (OWLHK), the one-day Field Study Programme is specially designed for the NSS Biology Curriculum. Subject learning and environmental education can be achieved through studying ants in Hong Kong.

象牙貿易公聽會 Ivory Ban Public Hearing
On 6th June 2017, our Society attended the Panel on Environmental Affairs of Legislative Council to show support on ivory ban. A speech was deliverd to show the ecological role of elephants and importance of protecting them.