Cabinet of 2010-2011

何炫樺 Ho Yuen Wa
Chairman, Acting Current Affairs Secretary
林肇霆 Lam Siu Ting, Starry
內務副主席 Internal Vice-Chairman
黃馨迪 Huang Xindi, Cindy
External Vice-Chairman, Acting Publication Secretary
潘俊廷 Poon Chun Ting
常務秘書 General Secretary
張家豪 Cheung Ka Ho, Gary
財務秘書 Financial Secretary
許天欣 Hui Tin Yan
Academic Secretary, Acting Welfare Secretary
林珏俐 Lam Kok Lee, Lily
Publicity Secretary, Acting Social Secretary
"Enlightenment" refers to the process of opening up the mind to see a broader and more profound scene. This year, we have a strong determination to promote the green way of life. We hope to enlighten others to gain awareness of the importance of environmental protection and conservation, and then to practice self-reflection and participation, and eventually to inspire people around them.