Cabinet of 2013-2014

張順智 Cheung Shun Chi, Roy
鍾炘熾 Chung Yan Chi, Arthur
Internal Vice-Chairman, Acting Welfare Secretary
鄭樂宜 Cheng Lok Yi, Christine
External Vice-Chairman, Acting Publication Secretary
黃嘉翹 Wong Ka Kiu, Alice
General Secretary, Acting External Secretary
馬俊寧 Ma Chun Ning, Moses
Financial Secretary, Acting Publicity Secretary
李鍾海 Li Chung Hoi, Tom
Academic Secretary, Acting Current Affairs Secretary
Evocator is the tenth cabinet of Environmental Life Science Society Session 2013-2014. Evocator refers to one who calls up spirits of others. Inspired by the beautu of nature, we determined to evoke everyone's passion for the natural environment.
Evocator aims to enhance interest of students and the public towards environmental life science, as well as arouse their awareness towards environmental conservation. Together, we can protect our precious nature.

水口灣生態調查員培訓計劃 Ecological Surveyor Training Programme in Shui Hau Wan
ELSS聯同守護大嶼聯盟,香港自然生態論壇,香港觀鳥會舉辦此計劃,讓大專生在專業導師領導下,到水口灣進行為期一年的全面生態調查,親身參與生態保育,當中所得資料亦將直接有助保護這生機處處的沙坪。 計劃於二零一四年十月開始,同學們分成五個小隊,分別進行鳥類、昆蟲、魚類、潮間帶、兩棲及爬蟲類的考察。
Jointly launched by ELSS, Save Lantau Alliance, HK Wildlife.Net and Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, the “Ecological Survey Programme in Shui Hau Wan” aims to provide students with the opportunity to participate in ecological conservation work as the data collected will be directly useful for the protection of Shui Hau Wan. Students can join different interest groups (at most 2) investigating different creatures at the bay with the guidance of experts. It is a chance that you should not miss if you want to learn more about and help conserve Hong Kong biodiversity.

生態攝影工作坊 Wildlife Photography Workshop
生態攝影工作坊從攝影出發,讓參加者認識自然生態及生態攝影,親親大自然。無論你是初學者或已有攝影經驗,使用數碼相機或單反相機,這工作坊都能讓你的攝 影技術更上一層樓,讓你明白自然生態的重要性! 工作坊分三日進行,由資深導師帶領,包括理論課及野外實習課。每天都有不同的主題,分別為水底生態攝影、生態攝錄製作及昆蟲生態攝影。
Environmental Life Science Society is organizing the first activity this summer – Wildlife Photography Workshop!
This workshop aims to arouse students' interest in wildlife photography. Participants can learn wildlife photography techniques, appreciate the rich biodiversity in Hong Kong and treasure the precious wildlife habitats. The workshop is divided into three parts, including theory classes and field trip – Wildlife video production, underwater wildlife photography and insect photography.

郊野生態探索—城門 Exploring Country Park—Shing Mun
Wanna learn more about the Country Parks in Hong Kong and the creatures living there? Wanna walk into the precious nature in this summer? If yes, Exploring Country Park—Shing Mun Country Park held by the Environmental Life Science Society is a great opportunity that you can’t miss! Shing Mun Country Park is one of the earliest Country Parks in Hong Kong with numerous species. More than 120 species of butterflies has been recorded in the region. You can learn more about the nature under the guidance of demonstrators. Do not hesitate to join if you wish to explore and learn about ecology in Hong Kong!

Public Seminar - Threats to Biodiversity in Hoi Ha & Development
海下生態價值極高,擁有不同生境,據統計,海下曾記錄得超過600種物種。然而,區內不少土地被規劃為鄉村式發展地帶,嚴重威脅當地環境及生物。 為提高學生和大眾對此事及其他類似發展的認識和關注,我們於三月二十四日在香港大學舉辦了「海下生物多樣性面對的威脅及郊野發展」公眾講座,邀請了來自「海下之友」的Nicola Newbery和David Newbery分享海下的例子,及來自「西貢之友」的John Wright概述香港郊野面臨的威脅。當日共有二十多位不同界別的參加者,包括環保團體、大學生和中學生,大家都對此有更深入理解。
The ecological value of Hoi Ha is high. Different habitats and valuable species can be found there. However, Small House Development is proposed and this poses risk to the rich biodiversity. To raise the concern of students and the public towards the issue and similar cases in Hong Kong, ELSS invited Nicola Newbery, David Newbery from Friends of Hoi Ha and John Wright from Friends of Sai Kung to share with us the case of Hoi Ha and threats that the countryside in Hong Kong respectively. Over 20 participants, including green groups, university students and secondary students attended the seminar.