Cabinet of 2012-2013

鍾靖昕 Chung Ching Yan, Janet
主席 Chairman
楊芷澄 Yeung Tsz Ching, Edwina
內務副主席 Internal Vice-Chairman
陶珈尹 To Ka Wan, Karen
外務副主席 External Vice-Chairman
陳穎君 Chan Wing Kwan, Charlotte
常務秘書 General Secretary
林沛賢 Lam Pui Yin, Ivan
財務秘書 Financial Secretary
張家桁 Cheung Ka Hang, James
學術秘書 Academic Secretary
黃嘉穎 Wong Ka Wing, Karen
外務秘書 External Secretary
侯卓儒 Hau Cheuk Yu, Loby
時事秘書 Current Affairs Secretary
葉婉明 Yip Yuen Ming, Louisa
出版秘書 Publication Secretary
陳文灝 Chan Man Ho, Henry
宣傳秘書 Publicity Secretary
李成耀 Lee Shing Yiu, Leo
康樂秘書 Social Secretary
Ecospherald is the nineth cabinet of Environmental Life Science Society Session 2012-2013. Ecospherald is a combination of the two words 'ecosphere' and 'herald'.
Comparable to an ecosphere, we have different niches in achieving our society's aims. We also strive to bring members together as we all play a part in the society;no one can be omitted.
Furthermore, we aspire to act as a herald to make known the importance of conservation. We aim to bring issues related to nature conservation to students and the public's attention. With our actions, we hope to trigger response from with and without the University:to let our love for nature be echoed.

南台灣的藍-—台灣墾丁生態考察團 Explore Blue Southern Taiwan---Taiwan Kenting Field Trip
ELSS 將於六月帶你到有亞洲夏威夷之稱的台灣墾丁,於蔚藍的天空下,湛藍大海的包裹中展開不一樣的學習之旅!台灣, 是一個擁有豐富生物多樣性的地方,亦有很多引人入勝的生境。當地致力在生態保育及生態旅遊發展取得平衡,其他國家如日本都曾以此借鏡。ELSS 首次呈獻的海外考察團--台灣南部生態考察團,重點帶大家到墾丁這個享負盛名的生態旅遊熱點,並且從中學習當地對生態環境的管理。我們希望透過親身到訪該地,讓大家比較該地與香港保育政策的相異之處。
In the coming June, ELSS will bring you to the Asia's version of Hawaii--Kenting. Under the sapphire sky, surrounded by the deep blue sea, we will start a spectacular learning journey! Taiwan, a place with vibrant biodiversity and exquisite habitats, has put a lot of effort in achieving balance between ecological conservation and tourism development. Countries like Japan also learn from Taiwan in conservation aspect.This first overseas field trip by ELSS to Taiwan will bring you to Kenting, which is a renowned ecological tourism spot. We can not only provide participants with a chance to learn more about ecology, but also to compare the conservation measures with Hong Kong through personal experiences and knowledge exchange.

探索東涌河 Explore Tung Chung River
Tung Chung River is one of the few rivers in Hong Kong remained not being channelized in large scale. Vibrant freshwater ecology and a great variety of plants and insects can be found along the River while its estuary Tung Chung Bay is the cradle of different mangroves, fishes and many other coastal organisms. ELSS is inviting all of you to explore the middle and lower courses of Tung Chung River and Tung Chung Bay with experts from Green Power and the Ichthyological Society of Hong Kong, to study the ecology there and learn more about the threats it is facing. For whom are willing to explore new ecological hot spots, don't miss it!

公開論壇: 「優化土地供應策略:維港以外填海及發展岩洞」 Public Forum:"Enhancing Land Supply Strategy: Reclamation outside Victoria Harbour and Rock Cavern Development"
1) 李鉅標先生 土木工程處副處長(海港及土地)
2) 林智文先生 規劃署總城市規劃師/策略規劃
3) 侯智恒博士 香港大學生物科學學院
4) 李美華小姐 世界自然基金會香港分會高級環境保護主任 (海洋)
5) 陳劍青先生 本土研究社代表
Hong Kong Government has launched the second public consultation for reintroducing the reclamation plan. To cope with the increasing population in the near future, the Government proposed to increase land reservation by reclamation. Is reclamation the best solution to this issue? Are there any other choices to meet the rising land demand? Please join us at this forum and find out more!
1) Mr. Lee Kui Biu, Robin, Deputy Head of Civil Engineering Office (Port & Land ), Civil Engineering and Development Department
2) Mr. Lam Chi Man, David, Chief Town Planner/Strategic Planning,Planning Department
3) Dr. Billy C.H. Hau, School of Biological Sciences, HKU
4) Ms Samantha Lee, Senior Conservation Officer, Marine of WWF-Hong Kong
5) Mr. Chan Kim Ching, Representative of Local Research Community

沙頭角大冒險 Exploring Sha Tau Kok
Sha Tau Kok is located near the boundary of Hong Kong and Shenzhen. According to a research done by Green Power, 97 butterfly species were recorded at Sha Tau Kok last year. This little-studied site might be more ecologically important than we imagined. ELSS explored this amazing site during the summer vacation.