Cabinet of 2014-2015

孟曉瑩 Mang Hiu Ying, Maggie
Internal Vice-Chairman, Acting Welfare Secretary,
林祉延 Lam Tsz Yin, Kestrel
External Vice-Chairman, Acting Academic Secretary
馮曉晴 Fung Hiu Ching, Natasha
General Secretary, Acting Publicity Secretary
陳樂彥 Chan Lok Yin, Rain
Financial Secretary, Acting Publication Secretary
As Embracers, we embrace and protect our nature. We hope to share our love to environment with everyone in community. It is our wish to inspire public to cherish nature as we do.
Apart from nature, we also treasure every member in our Society. We aim to enhance internal coherence in the Society. Moreover, our another mission is to arouse concern of students and public about environmental issues.
We, Embracers, endeavour to spread our appreciation to nature; together with others’ help and participation, we strive for a better environment.

星空下尋牠 Night Safari in Tai Po Kau
Secondary school students from different schools, together with our student demonstrators majored in Ecology & Biodiversity, explored the night in Tai Po Kau. Under the guidance of demonstrators, participants could observe nocturnal species, such as amphibians, reptiles and also fireflies. Participants were able to learn about the identification of different amphibians and reptiles as well as the rich biodiversity in Tai Po Kau.

海陸空生態遊 之 海下浮潛:魚樂無窮 (Live) Snorkelling Field Trip in Hoi Ha
Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park, located north of Sai Kung, has lush coral communities, serving as an important habitat for marine organisms. HKU students studying in different fields, together with three demonstrators, explored the water through snorkelling. Participants attended a talk beforehand to know more about the marine species in Hoi Wa Wan, as well as the reminders of snorkelling. Under the guidance of demonstrators, participants could observe different coral species and fish species. Participants were able to experience the rich biodiversity in Hoi Ha and learn more about the threats in Hoi Ha Wan as well as the importance of ecological conservation.

邂逅馬蹄蟹 Meet the Horseshoe Crab
環境生命科學學會帶你走出鬧市,到訪位於大嶼山南部的水口泥灘,在黃昏時段觀賞潮間 帶動物。參加者在導賞員的的帶領下,有機會親身接觸有「 活化石」之稱的馬蹄蟹、多種貝類以及招潮蟹等潮間帶動物 。
Environmental Life Science Society, SS, HKUSU is going to take you to Shui Hau Mudflat, an intertidal zone in the South Lantau Island, to look for the intertidal species like the ‘living fossils’ - horseshoe crabs, shellfishes and also fiddler crabs.

2015 「地球一小時」Earth Hour Booth
為推廣節省能源的環保意識,世界自然基金會(WWF) 將於二零一五年三月二十八日(星期六)晚上八時三十分舉行「地球一小時」活動,鼓勵人們關掉不必要的電燈及耗電產品。我們於三月二十五至二十七日一連三日在大學街擺設攤位宣傳此活動,並邀請「熊貓」大使與途人手持「向魚翅說不」及「不要吃蘇眉」等有關生態保育的標語版合照。
In order to raise the awareness of energy-saving and environmental protection, World Wide Fund For Nature(WWF) is organizing ‘Earth Hour’on 28th March 2015 (Saturday) at 8:30p.m., to encourage people turning off non-essential lights and electrical appliances. We have set up a promotion booth in University Street from 25th to 27th March together with our panda ambassador, to take photos with passers-by. Six slogan boards were specially made for the photo-taking to promote ideas of ecological conservation like ‘NO MORE ILLEGAL TRADE of Wildlife’ and ‘VEGAN DIET STILL ALIVE’.