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Discover Lantau--Ecology discovery project 

探索我們的大嶼 -- 生態探索計劃 


近年,擁有香港後花園之稱的大嶼山面臨各個發展項目威脅,包括機場第三條跑道、港珠澳大橋以及《香港 2030+》文件中把大嶼山發展成大都會的計劃,令人擔心香港美麗的郊野會被進一步剝奪及破壞。因此,本會為高中學生舉辦活動:《探索我們的大嶼》(英文: Discover Lantau),讓中學生親身體驗和接觸大嶼山的生態價值與潛在威脅,以及嘗試用自身力量幫助大嶼山面對威脅。








In view of the waves of threats that have rolled over the Lantau Island : the construction of the Third Runway, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, proposal of a Lantau metropolis in the “Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030” document, our society have decided to conduct Discover Lantau.


The programme aims to inspire secondary school students to appreciate Lantau’s biodiversity and deepen their understanding about and be aware of the current threats of the sustainability on Lantau Island. This programme is divided into two parts, Part A: Ecology and Biodiversity Camp and Part B: Spreading the Message to the Community.


Part A: Ecology and Biodiversity Camp
Recruited participants will join a 2 days 1 night camp on the Lantau Island. During the camp, they will be split into teams of 4 and brought to tour around various habitats such as woodland, open country, freshwater stream, freshwater wetland and brackish waters and ocean. Experts of different fields of ecology will be invited to demonstrate the students the diversity of species. Students will also be introduced to the threats Lantau Island is facing by talks conducted by the Save Lantau Alliance, a dolphin watching activity lead by the Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society, and more.

Part B: Spreading the Message to the Community
After the camp, two follow-up activities will be held. Participants will be invited to share what they have learned in a booth set up by ELSS in the University Street in The University of Hong Kong.  They will also conduct their own project to spread the knowledge they have learned in the camp to their own community (e.g. their own school), or even to the public. ELSS would provide help for their projects upon their request and the students can be highly flexible with their design.  

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© 2023 Ecology & Biodiversity Society, SS, HKU

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