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2020//MAY//ISSUE 1
活動回顧 Activity Recap


Activity Recap

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開sem飯 Hoi Sem Rice



Happy New Semester! To celebrate the occasion, EBS held an “Open Sem Rice” on 20th January and even incorporated elements such as giving red packets and writing Fai Chun (New Year Red Banners) to celebrate Chinese New Year!!

Gartic.io大賽 Tournament

為了令大家在家中有多一點樂趣,EBS在2月尾以動物和生態知識為題,舉行了一連串 的網上遊戲聚會,並於3月7日特設網上猜猜畫畫 比賽,令大家在增加生物多樣性的知識的同時,鍛鍊畫畫技巧。


In order to add a little bit of fun during our time at home, EBS held a series of online game gatherings with topics of animals and ecology. An online pictionary Tournament was also held on 7th March, with animal names and terminology related to ecology and biodiversity as topics, for our participants to enhance their knowledge and drawing skills.


Birdwatching Fishpond Virtual Tour

原先在2月舉行的南生圍魚塘觀鳥導賞團因疫情影響被取消,因此EBS將導賞團轉為網上體驗,希望能將南生圍的美貌透過片段帶給大家。我們還慶幸得到香港經濟日報的採訪和支持,分享幕後心得。如果想重溫片段,可以瀏覽 EBS HKU YouTube 頻道。

Since our original Nam Sang Wai Fishpond Birdwatching Tour was cancelled due to the pandemic, EBS decided to transform it into an online experience, hoping to present the beauty of Nam Sang Wai through video. On top of that, we were very fortunate to have the support from the Hong Kong Economic Times and have the chance to be interviewed. Please visit the EBS HKU YouTube Channel to watch the virtual tour.


為了響應世界自然基金會舉辦的「地球一小時」活動 (28/3) 和慶祝地球日 (22/4),EBS分別舉辦了兩次 Quaranscreen 放映 Netflix 製作的「Our Planet」紀錄片影集,令大家在居家隔離期間都可以認識不同生境的生物多樣性和動物的習性,亦能讓要實行社交隔離的參加者與大家見面。


In order to align with the Earth Hour event (28/3) held by the World Wildlife Fund and Earth Day (22/4), EBS organised two Quaranscreen to feature Netflix’s documentary series “Our Planet”. We hope that our audience has learnt more about the biodiversity of each habitat and animal behaviours during this quarantine period. Participants could also take this chance to meet with each other under social distancing.

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Sem 2 Superpass

不經不覺又到 sem 尾,除了是準備考試的時候之外,亦是與 final year 同學們道別的時候。所以 EBS 舉辦了史上第一個 ZOOM Superpass,並引用史無前例的方法切燒豬!Sem 2 Superpass 不可或缺的還有深情片段和抽獎,希望大家透過屏幕都可以感受得到 EB 的愛。如果想重溫 Sem 2 Superpass,可以瀏覽 EBS HKU YouTube 頻道。


Time really flies when you know it’s approaching the end of semester, not only is it the time to fight deadlines, it is also the time to say goodbye to our final years. So, EBS organised the first ZOOM Superpass in history, with a one of a kind suckling pig cutting ceremony. Moreover, Sem 2 Superpass always has the farewell video and the lucky draw. We hope our online arrangements still delivered EB love through the screens. If you wish to recap our Sem 2 Superpass, please visit the EBS HKU YouTube Channel.


LTV Discussion Forum

EBS 於4月25日舉行網上明日大嶼論壇,邀請了三位嘉賓討論明日大嶼願景中保育和發展的平衡。我們邀請了中文大學客座教授林超英先生、WWFHK 海洋保育主任蘇隽彥先生、以及守護大嶼聯盟召集人謝世傑先生分享不同界別對計劃的見解。如果想重溫當日的討論,可以瀏覽 EBS HKU YouTube 頻道。


As a part of the Lantau Series, the Lantau Tomorrow Vision Online Forum was held on 25th April. EBS was honoured to have CUHK Honorary Fellow Mr. Lam Chiu Ying, WWF Conservation Officer (Oceans) Mr. Kelvin So, and the convenor of Save Lantau Alliance, Mr. Eddie Tse to share and discuss the balance between conservation and development in the Lantau Tomorrow Vision initiative. Representing opinions from different sectors and fields, our three guest speakers were able to educate participants on different aspects and potential impacts of the project. To recap the discussion, please head to the EBS HKU YouTube Channel where you can find the full recording of the event.

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明日大嶼問卷結果 —— 一分錢,一分貨?

Lantau Opinion Form Results -

Are we getting what we pay for?

問卷結果 Survey Results







Through the Lantau Tomorrow Vision (LTV) online "information booth" and discussion forum, we believe you have learned more about LTV and some of its impacts. We have since designed a survey to collect our members' opinions on different facilities in the plan. Now, let's look at the survey results.


The Lantau Tomorrow Vision plan can be separated into different spheres, and we have asked about the transportation infrastructure and economic development plans. Although a fair amount of respondents strongly agree or agree that building the artificial islands can help alleviate the housing problem of Hong Kong (47%) and benefit Hong Kong's economic development (36%), most respondents strongly disagree or disagree that building artificial islands and other construction work can solve the housing problem. An overwhelming majority also don't think the amount of appropriation is reasonable (95%), and 84% of respondents think that relevant construction work will cause serious damage to Lantau Island's ecology and habitats.


To conclude, most respondents do not think that developing infrastructure and building artificial islands is economical. Most respondents also showed that it is unable to solve Hong Kong's appalling housing shortage. This can be credited to the long construction duration needed, high cost, and inconvenient transportation of living near Lantau Island. Given the extremely high expected cost and its inability to solve current problems, we, Hong Kongers clearly are not going to get what we are paying for. To sum up all the results, our members generally do not approve of the Lantau Tomorrow Vision plans due to economical and environmental reasons or efficiency in solving existing problems. The society urges the government to reconsider the plan immediately, and investigate other more feasible solutions. 




EIA - Environment In Adversity?


文:鍾榮峰 Writer: Jess Chung

本期文章 Article of the Issue

Swipe for English →

不久前有一則新聞,講述了深圳市一個遊船旅遊項目把航線擴展到后海灣、距離香港的濕地亦不遠。此新聞引起不少關心生態保育的公眾關注,擔心工程和人流會威脅都附近的候鳥。其實,這計劃在數年前已開通,名為「海上看深圳」。到去年 9 月,深圳市決定將航線升級,往內后海灣進發,而地圖顯示新航線會進入「深圳灣重要濱海濕地限制類紅線區」,亦會靠近香港境內具國際級別的「米埔內后海灣為拉姆薩爾濕地」。然而,這個項目暫時被截停,原因竟是其環境影響評估報告(下稱環評)被揭發涉嫌抄襲。






但是,香港現時的環評機制執行起來又是怎樣呢?首先,香港的環評系統從1980年開推行程序,實施至此已超過二十載,卻仍未進行任何重大修訂。二十年來,氣候變化和光污染等新的環境影響漸現,環評條例卻都未將此納入考慮。內地曾於 2016 和 2018 年根據近年環境變化修訂《2002年環評法》,然而香港的環評機制依然沒有變化。








Mayer, B., Wu, L. (2019).《環境影響評估條例》:二十年來原封不動。香港律師會會刊,2019六月。檢自: 


林若勤(2013年4月23日)。環評條例漏洞多 公眾望修例增監管。獨立媒體。檢自:










What do you do as a pastime?




What's the thing you're most proud of?




What special skill do you possess?

小問答 Mini Interview

 ​Know Your Freshmen!

吳芳霖 Anna

Ng Fong Lam.jpg

Year 1 | Ecology & Biodiversity

  1. 聽歌/ 睇書Listen to music/read books

  2. 可以捲脷I can do a tongue twist  

  3. 除咗把聲之外唔用任何樂器寫歌 Writing songs without the help of any musical instruments except vocal

小遊戲 Mini Games

 Bonus time

Fun time with EB!



Thank you for sticking around! Good luck in your exams, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

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