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Inauguration Night

2018年2月23日晚,EBS舉行了就職晚聚慶祝第14屆Envolvers的上任。當晚有世界自然基金會香港分會的梁恩銘先生和香港香港戶外生態教育協會的馬昀祺博士致辭,最後更有教授Timothy Bonebrake壓軸演唱歌曲Take On Me,聚會一片熱鬧歡笑。在此感激各位來賓出席,包括教授、各個環境保育團體的代表、其他大專和香港大學的組織、還有一眾前學會幹事,與我們分享就職的喜悅。希望各位有一愉快晚上,期待再次見面和合作機會。
On 23rd February, 2018, EBS held the Inauguration Night celebrating the commencement of the 14th cabinet, Envolvers. There were speeches by Mr. Yamme Leung, from WWF Hong Kong, and Dr. Xoni Ma, from OWLHK. With a fantastic finale from Professor Timothy Bonebrake, performing a rendition of Take On Me, the night was filled with laughter and joy. We hope all who joined us had a wonderful evening, and we look forward to collaboration opportunities and meeting you again.

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