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Freshwater Field Trip to Chuen Lung
22, 30/09/2018

本學會於荃灣川龍舉辦了「秋遊川龍」淡水生態遊,帶參加者認識淡水生態。活動分成兩部份,分別為大學組和中學組。大學組日期:2018年9月22日(六)、中學組日期:2018年9月30日(日)。 The society had held Freshwater Field Trips at Tsuen Wan Chuen Lung exploring freshwater habitats with participants.The activity will be split into two parts, a trip for university students and another for secondary school students. Undergraduate Group Date: 22 September 2018 (Sat), Secondary School Student Group Date: 30 September 2018 (Sun).
在此特別感謝抽空幫助的導賞員:Bill Ho, Ray So, Elaine Yuen和Alphonse Tsang。We owe our demonstrators Bill Ho Ray So, Elaine Yuen and Alphonse Tsang a special thank you for all of their help.

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